1923 instructions for replacing glass or slate planes on becer analitycal and jewelers ballances
To change from friction drive to regular gears remove the screws that hold the at.eenabled friction gear to the “bottom of the case. F.eraove the set screw from the knurled rrheel on the spiral shaft ana remove the vheel. Replace knurled wheel with the gear wheel and line up assembled urive shaft…
No.8a instructions analitycal balances
In assembling balances with plate glass bases, first set pan arrest mechanism in place, then work plate as far forward on the scale box as possible, after the four case bolts which hold on the top have been placed in position. Move the pan arrests mechanism slightly as needed to prevent binding in the holes and then tighten down after trying cut the push button and ascertaining that the whole mechanism work smoothly….
Instructions when furnishing a beam weigh
In order to furnish a new one of the correct weight it is necessary to send the ‘beam, pointer and stirrup; however, if it is not convenient to do so, we can supply a weight as near as possible giving the necessary instructions for correct adjustment.
Directions for adjusting specific gravity balances
If pointer swings further to the right than to the left, chain carrier screw should be screwed one or two revolutions toward the center knife edge. If pointer swings further to the left than right, chain ca,rrier should be screwed away from center knife edge…..
Directions for fitting beam cover on no.29 balance
Cap and arms having “been removed in one unit, the “bottom of the “beam cover should “be slipped over the tep of the column and over the lift rods, until the “braes cover support rests on the small shoulder on the column provided for that purpose….
DH and IL-11 balances
This is a precision instrument which has been carefully adjusted for a maximum degree of sensitivity. Please handle all parts carefully in unpacking. The notched beam and slide weight or smooth tare beam and tare weights as required, are packed in the balance carton. The commodity holders to be used with the balance may be packed in a separate carto…
The TQRBAL Model EA-1 uses the null weighing principle. Many who take the theoretical approach to weighing agree that the null type weighing System is inherently more accurate than a deflection system, all other things being equal…
Model AJ-3
The new Torbal Anaerobic Jar incorporates a number of new features. The technique of using this apparatus differs from that of the older type apparatus and it is therefore particularly important to observe the operating instructions.
AA-1, AB-2, AB-3, AB-4, AB-5, AB-9
After carefully removing balance from shipping container, place the balance on a firm table or stand, free from excessive vibration and protected from unequal heat and ‘direct rays of sun…