Torsion Chemical and Laboratory Balance No. 2500

Unsurpassed for laboratory of factory use, for weighing and commodity where accurate results are desired.
Extensively used by various Industries, Universities, U. S. Government, Etc.
Capacity | 2 kg (5 lbs) |
Sensitiveness | 1/10 gram (1 1/2 grains) |
Pans | Brass, nickel plated, removable, 6 inches |
Beam | Graduated, 8 ounces by 1/8 ounce, or, if specially ordered, 100 grams by 1 gram. Finish, Black Japan. Arrest for quicke weighing. |
Price (Code Word, Torlab) | $32.00 |
No. 2501. Specifications same as No. 2500, but without the graduated beam.
Price (Code Word, Torlabno) | $29,00 |