Laboratory and Package Scales No.2502, No.4015, No.2000

No. 2502
Sensitive to 3 centigrams. Capacity 1 kilo; pans 6 inches diameter; special index and pointer; slide beam 100 divisions; 1/20 gramme to 5 grammes Price, $15,00
No. 4015
Sensitive to 1/2 grain. Capacity 1 kilo. Slide beam 5 grammes by 1/20 gramme. Flat pans 6 inches diameter. High poise, indicator and arrest Price, $18,00
Style No. 2000 – 12-inch beam. Sensitive to 2 grains. Capacity 20 lbs. Nickel plated pans 9-inch diameter. Slide beam to 16 oz. And special index Price, $17,50
Style No. 2000 T. – Same scale with triple beam Price, $19,00
Style No. 2001 – Same scale without slide beam Price, $15,75
Style No. 2500 – 9 inch beam. Sensitive to 1/2 grain. Capacity 5 lbs. Nickel plated pans 6-inch diameter. Slide beam to 8 oz. And special index Price, $16,50
Style No. 250I – Same as No. 2500 but without slide beam Price, $14,75
The above scales, nickel plated, $3,00 extra.
Styles No. 2000, 2000 T, 2001, 2500, 250I with arrest $2,00 extra.