Model NA-1 Single-Pan Balance

Optical “Readout” with Ten Thousand Divisions Eliminates Conventional Projected Image and Vernier
Direct readings from 1/10 mg to 1 gram (equivalent to 10,000 divisions on weighing screen) made without eyestrain.
Two eye-level amber lights switch “on” and “off” to indicate which way to turn base-level weight control knobs to within 1 gram.
Release knob switches load from “rough weighing” to “fine weighing” beam. Number wheels read to nearest gram.
Circular weighing chamber without posts or columns affords unobstructed view and easy access. Fast..accurate…convenient…and easy on the eyes!
The new optical readout system (see actual size illustration) of the Christian Becker NA-1 Single Pan-Balance will bring laboratory personnel “up from slavery” to the freedom of effortless weighing. The large, easy-to-read reticle with vernier readout enables direct reading to 1/10 mg at a glance.
SPEEDY OPERATION— When weight control knobs have been turned until neither indicator light is on, release knob puts load on fine weighing beam, and oil damping system enables quick reading.
TWO-BEAM CONSTRUCTION — Eliminates 90% of wear on fine weighing beam. Most of the weighing is done on the rugged rough weighing beam. The fine weighing beam is used only after all weight changes have been made. A small red light in the base indicates the fine weighing beam is in use — a green light, the rough weighing beam.
EASY ACCESS TO CIRCULAR CHAMBER — No posts or columns. Curved glass door can be rotated to permit 6 x 10 opening to pan at right, while shielding chamber from operator’s breath and body radiation. Door can be opened twice as far, if desired. The operator never touches the weights and beams, which are enclosed in the upper chamber for protection from drafts and temperature fluctuations. An unusually long pan-to-stirrup dimension (8 1/8) enables larger objects to be weighed — up to 4 1/2 wide.
TOP QUALITY CONSTRUCTION — Included weights are made of nonmagnetic stainless steel, as are also both rough and fine beams. Knife edges of the fine beam are agate. Pan is aluminum, and the housing is cast aluminum with a handsome grey hammertone finish. Housing dimensions are 18 x 16 x 20 high.
For operation from 115 volts, 60 cycles AC; however, instruments with other voltages can be obtained.
Capacity 200 grams
Optical Range 1000 mgs
Sensitivity 1 vernier division = .1 mg
Readability 1/2vernier division = .05 mg
Accuracy, weight set Adjusted to better than
Class M tolerances
Accuracy in optical range for
differential weighings ± .05 mg
Precision ± .03 mg
No. H9-51 Christian Becker NA-1 Single-Pan Balance,
each 1185.00
Published in 1976