Ruggedness & convenience in the 2-to-4 1/2 kilo weighing range

NEVER BEFORE have balances of such high capacity combined the convenience of dialect-weight operation with the ruggedness of torsion-band design. These new balances—one with 4500-gram, one with 2000-gram capacity—offer fast accurate performance under the most trying laboratory conditions. Like the 8 other patented Torsion balances in the Fisher line, they are popularly priced, too.
The new DH-4 and DH-2 balances have no knife-edges to get dull, no ball-&-socket joints to get dirty. Torsion bands of corrosion-resistant Dynavar replace them. This makes possible a simple, practically one-piece design unaffected by temperature changes, frictional wear, dust, even highly corrosive atmospheres.
A fast-damping silicone-fluid dashpot brings the balances to rest almost immediately. The weight beam is inclined for easier reading. The integral sliding weight (which eliminates the handling of many smaller weights) glides smoothly along the beam. The weight dial can be operated without arrests between weighings.
All of the new models have the same fine workmanship, the same handsome gray metal case with chemical-resistant epoxy finish.
MODEL DH-4a, with 4500-g capacity, has a notched beam graduated to 500 g in 100-g increments, also a dial graduated to 100 g in 1 g’s; it can be read to 0.2 g. Sensitivity is 0.25 g. Price, without sample-holder: $182. A recommended set of weights (two 2000-g, one 1000-g, one 500-g) is $27.
Fisher also offers the new 4 1/2-kilo balance as MODEL DH-4b, with an ungrada-ated beam permitting rapid taring to 500 g. Price, without sample-holder: $172. A weight set (one 2000-g, one 1000-g, one 500-g, two 100-g) is $22.
MODEL DH-2a has a 2000-g capacity. Its notched beam is graduated to 100 in 10-g increments; the dial is graduated to 10 g in 0.1 g’s. The balance reads to 0.05 g, has 0.07-g sensitivity. Price, without sample-holder: $175. A weight set (one 1000-g, one 500-g, one 200-g, two 100-g weights) is $18.
Fisher also offers the new 2-kilo balance as MODEL DH-2b, with an ungraduated beam permitting rapid taring to 250 g. Price, without sample-holder: $165. A weight set (one 1000-g, one 500-g, one 200-g, two 100-g, one 50-g, two 20-g, one 10-g) is $22.
Stainless-steel pans, with holders, are $14 a pair—available in choice of 6″ or 9″ diameters. A pair of 6″ opal-glass plates, with holders, is $17. A stainless-steel scoop, 10 1/2″ x 5 1/2″ x 3″ deep, is $22. Check “High-capacity Torsion balances” on reader-service card for bulletin.
Published in 1964