Nothing to wear or get “gummed up”…

Torsion scales require less maintenance that other checkweighers. Torsion scales with exclusive friction-free construction require less maintenance that other checkweighers.
There are no friction points or knife edges to wear or get “gummed up” from dust or dirt. And Torsion Checkweighers are less affected by vibration. Also, you can check weigh more packs with Torsion’s optical precision scales. Because they have no knife edges, they can be damped more sharply without hang-off.* These accurate scales are designed to speed your production. Torsion’s optical checkweighers are available in capacities up to 13 pounds.
Convince yourself – tell us your requirements and we’ll be happy to arrange a demonstration – or write for a catalog.
* Balances with knife edges or friction points if damped too sharply do not always return to the correct position for a true weight reading, particularly if the scale has not always been used under ideal conditions.